Thursday, August 30, 2007

Aaron Bertrand : A custom report for Management Studio : Show Blocking

Quick and easy way to see blocked processes. 

So guess what I set out to do first? I created my own blocking report that includes the information I deem most useful to finding the root cause and stamping it out. Why should I spend all my time typing out sp_who2, and sp_lockinfo, and select * from sys.dm_exec_requests, and DBCC INPUTBUFFER, when I can create a report that does most of that work for me in a couple of clicks?

Based loosely on the procedure I created in my article, "Can I create a more robust and flexible version of sp_who2 using SQL Server 2005's DMVs?", I wrote the following stored procedure that would be consumed by a custom report:

Aaron Bertrand : A custom report for Management Studio : Show Blocking

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