Sunday, January 04, 2009

Microsoft .NET & C#: Complete OLAP infrastructure without Microsoft Analysis Services, part 3


Complete OLAP infrastructure without Microsoft Analysis Services, part 3

In previous part of this tutorial we've built an analytical database using Microsoft Analysis Services. We've been able to browse the database using SQL Management Studio and execute MDX queries on it.

In this part of the tutorial we will:

  • build an offline static cube (*.cub file) from the relational database using C# and ADOMD.NET
  • query the static cube using Microsoft Excell as static cube browser
  • query the static cube with MDX queries using C# and ADOMD.NET

Microsoft .NET & C#: Complete OLAP infrastructure without Microsoft Analysis Services, part 3

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Internals Viewer for SQL Server - Home


Project Description
Internals Viewer is a tool for looking into the SQL Server storage engine and seeing how data is physically allocated, organised and stored.
All sorts of tasks performed by a DBA or developer can benefit greatly from knowledge of what the storage engine is doing and how it works
Note There was a problem with the first release of Beta 2 20081228. If no add-in is visible please follow the instructions in Troubleshooting.
User Guide

  • Integration with SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) 2005 and 2008
    • The application is installed as a SSMS add-in
    • Internals information integrated into the Object Explorer
    • Transaction Log viewer integrated into the Query Results
  • Allocation Map
    • Displays the physical layout of tables and indexes
    • Displays PFS status
    • Overlay pages in the Buffer Pool
  • Page Viewer
    • Displays Data pages including forwarding records and sparse columns
    • Displays Index pages
    • Displays allocation pages (IAM, GAM, SGAM, DCM, and BCM pages)
    • Displays pages with SQL Server 2008 row and page compression

Internals Viewer for SQL Server - Home

Friday, January 02, 2009

Quick and dirty clone table schema


SELECT top 0 * into customer_backup
  FROM customers

Be sure to create your primary keys and indexes afterwards!