Monday, April 17, 2006

Reporting Services with Relational Data and MDX

One common problem in reporting and BI solutions is how to incorporate data from both an OLAP cube and relational tables. The UDM in SQL 2005 attempts to solve this, however it really means you still need to build the information into your cubes and dimension attributes.

What if you don't want to or can't?

Reporting Services provides a Custom Code tab within the Report Properties page. You can access various VB.NET objects and system assemblies, and reference external assemblies. One of the internal assemblies is the Dictionary object.

Steps to lookup values from a reference table in SQL:

Drag a list onto the report.
Drag a textbox into the list, or a field from the relational dataset. Modify the textbox to contain =Code.setValue(Fields!KeyField.Value, Fields!ValueField.Value)

Create another list below. Drag another textbox into the list. Modify the textbox expression to hard-code the key for now. =Code.getValue("MyKey")

In the Code Properties window, try the following:

public dict as new System.Collections.Generics.Dictionary(Of System, System)

function setValue(value as object, value2 as object) as object
return value
end function

function getValue(value as object) as object
return dict(value)
end function

This is untested code and needs further work, but it should provide an idea of how to accomplish the task.

If you have properly bound a table to the first list control, you should be able to lookup results in the second table.

This can be applied in many scenarios, including adding relational reference data to MDX results, and creating a relationship between two separate datasets.

I'd be interested to know if anyone uses this. It seems to have many different applications. One could possibly involve showing two sets of information, for things like variances or budget vs. actual data. If a value doesn't exist in the dictionary, the original field could be returned. If it does exist, the adjustment could be returned.

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