Friday, September 24, 2010

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One way to get around remotely executing an SSIS package …. without SQL Agent.


vdeineko wrote  Mar 26 2009 at 3:42 PM

How to remotely execute MS SQL SSIS package
I find my solution the easiest of all. It does not require neither SQL Agent job, nor SMO, or any Visual Studio development , just one-line primitive scripting.
1. Say, you created a local SSIS package, called MySSIS.dtsx in the directory c:\MyDir, located on the SQL Server, named MySQLServer.
2. Now, create a simple batch file (or a vb script) on the server allowing you to execute the 'dtexec' command. Something like this:
(Full 'dtexec' command options are here:
Save the batch file, say, as 'c:\MyDir\MyBatch.bat'
3. Create a Scheduled Task to execute the batch file. Name it, say, as 'MyTask.' You can set the task to execute once, and even with the past execution time. This way it really will not execute, unless you manually execute it. Test the manual task execution by running the following command from the command prompt:
>schtasks /run /tn MyTask
(More on the ‘schtasks’ options type schtasks /? at the command prompt.)
Well, if everything is correct, it will work, so let's do the next step.
4. Download the PSEXEC tool from here:
It's free, and it will allow you to remotely execute programs. Install it on your PC, from where you would execute the remote SSIS. Say, you installed it in the c:\pstools directory.
5. Lastly, open the command prompt and type
>"c:\pstools\psexec" \\MySQLServer schtasks /run /tn MyTask
6. Of course, you can encapsulate the last command into a vbs script or a batch or a MS Access Macro, and just click to execute it.
Resuming the above: You need to execute PSEXEC command to execute the remote SCHEDULED task which executes the local SSIS package. The solution seemlessly bypasses the SQL licensing restriction.
Please let me know what you think.

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